Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Working up the will

I've been away from for 2 months now. And even before that there was a dwindling down of activity. Well, moving did take more energy than I expected but I'm way past that. Already settled into the new job and new environment for some time now...but yet I found it difficult to work up the energy will to post a new story or comment. It wasn't for lack of energy or lack of time, I just did not feel like doing it. And yet I felt so guilty (not sure why). It's like exercising (at least, for me). I start a regimen, maintain the pace and energy for weeks, then miss some days and the frequency will begin to dwindle until there's exercise no more...and I'm left with guilt...until I work up the will to begin again.

I thank everyone who's stopped by to read stories or leave comments (in the blog and through email) and I apologize for responding so late.

Now, I hope this post here will break me out of my writing stupor.



how are you?

folktaler said...

I'm fine. Thanks for asking. But obviously, I did not work up the will to continue updating the site. And I didn't want to keep making excuses...but there'll be updates (not soon) in the next couple of months.


cool. Glad to hear that!