Friday, September 29, 2006

Website Trends - April to September 2006

Here are some statistics for from April (when we signed up for Google Analytics) to September. It will be interesting to monitor the trend as time goes on. From the graph below, our traffic dropped in May and June before it started to pick up again. Several of those May/June visits can be attributed to myself - fixing, tweaking things and checking the pages - but I've applied the IP address filter in the analytics setting to avoid this in future. But I can't help but wonder what triggers the rise and fall in visits.

Here's another graph showing a graphical depiction of where our visitors are located. At least, where about 80% of our visitors are located (some locations could not be determined). What does it tell us? That people in the United States are most likely to be searching for folktales online? I don't know but again, it'll be nice to monitor the trend as time goes on.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

USA probably has more access to internet than others

folktaler said...

True. But one can't also help but wonder if people in the US (and other developed nations) are more likely to be involved in the folktale studies (and related pursuits) while others take it for granted.